Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test 10'S

If you’re thinking about having a baby, Clearblue will help you maximize your chances of getting pregnant



SKU: 1213616

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Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test - 10 Tests

• Over 99% accurate: Detecting the surge in luteinizing hormone 24-36 hours before ovulation is the most accurate home method to predict your most fertile days – it’s proven to be twice as accurate as traditional calendar methods.
• Easy to read digital results: A 'flashing smiley face' means you already have a high chance of conceiving today and that your 2 most fertile days will soon be here. A 'static smiley face' confirms you’ve reached Peak fertility (the smiley face is displayed constantly for 48hrs) no need to interpret lines to know when the best time is to try for your baby.

• Easy to read, digital ‘smiley face' results in Constant smiley for 2 days after peak fertility is identified
• Typically identifies 4 or more fertile days to get pregnant – at least 2 more days than any other test

Points Of Interest:
• Don't remove the batteries: If you remove the batteries from the holder you will not be able to use them again.
• Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is the only test to accurately track 2 key fertility hormones.
• Clearblue is #1 OB-GYN Recommended Brand.

How To Use:
• Test once a day: Only test once a day until you see High Fertility - For reliable High Fertility results, you must use the urine from after your longest sleep.
• When you have seen High Fertility you can test more often, but avoid excess fluid intake before testing.
• Take the test: Doing the test- Place the absorbent tip pointing downwards in your urine stream for 3 seconds. Or collect a sample of your urine in a clean, dry container.
• Dip the sampler in the urine for 15 seconds.
• The 'test ready' symbol will start flashing after a minute to show the test is working.
• Wait for 5 minutes- Within 1 minute you will see that the test is working as the test-ready symbol will start to flash.
• Wait for 5 minutes- Keep the sampler pointing downwards or lay the test flat. Throughout testing never hold the test with the absorbent tip pointing upwards.
• Your result will appear on the display after 5 minutes.
• • Read your results:
• A clear circle indicates low fertility. it is unlikely, but not impossible, that you will become pregnant.
• Your result will be displayed for 8 minutes, Do not test again today. Test again tomorrow using the first urine after your longest sleep.
• When the test first detects a rise in your level of estrogen it will display High Fertility (a flashing smiley face). Your result will be displayed for 8 minutes.
- In the following days the test will continue to display High Fertility whilst it looks for your LH surge. Continue to test daily to find your LH surge.
• Peak Fertility - A static smiley face is constantly displayed for 48 hours after it first appears.
• You cannot do another test while Peak Fertility is shown, as the holder will not be able to read it.

10 Tests

How To Store:
Stores at room temperature

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